tirsdag 3. november 2015

Introduction to Self Healing Meditation Technique

Many amongst us are still new to the term "Self Healing" and don't know what exactly this self-healing is all about. 

The human body is the most fantastic creation and in our lives these days we handle so much of day to day stress.

Meditation and self healing are the best ways to handle stress. Self healing is the art of making your mind and soul stronger to handle stressful life's situations much more easily. 



This article discusses what self healing is and how it is done.

Self-healing means recovering from stress, depression or any other kind of mental tension or trauma. In self-healing, self-motivation and positive thinking is very important. This can be easily achieved by meditation. In self healing meditation you are in a deep meditation state that helps in improving your overall health especially your immune system is improved. This type of meditation technique brings you close to The Source and you are in harmony with nature.

Our mind and body are closely interlinked. Negative thoughts and feelings result in negative effects on our body whereas positive thoughts have a healing affect on your body. Anxiety and stressful feelings produce negative vibrations, so during self-healing, one must do away with any negativity in the mind as your thoughts have a direct impact on your body. It is hard to shift your focus on a conscious level so meditation helps a great deal. Self healing meditation help you to reach a state where which directly links you to your sub conscious mind. Self healing can help your body relax and organize itself enough to allow medication to work better.

When you are anxious and panicked your body produces certain hormones that harm your body. On the other hand, when you focus your thoughts on self healing, you begin to develop curative feelings. You can cope with your condition perfectly when your thoughts are positive and focused on healing than illness. This results in positive energy that produces wonderful therapeutic effects. To simplify, when our mind gets anxious it creates negative feelings harming our body and when it is calm and positive it has a self healing affect on our physical health.

Self-healing can help you get rid of bad habits too without having the inner struggle that you usually feel when trying to change your habits. This is because the subconscious mind directs you to follow a specific pattern. It can be reprogrammed to follow a healthier pattern. Self healing meditation can be used to heal any kind of medical problem like hypertension, body pain, stress, headaches, and more.

With the help of positive energy and will to heal your illness, you can live a healthy and happy life. Self healing energy around you will give you a new lease of life. When you put a lot of stress on mind and body you feel like withdrawing from the world whereas when your thoughts are positive and you are calm and recharged with healing energy you feel healthy and happy. Due to numerous benefits, self healing mediation is being practiced by more and more people.


Discover The Many Wonderful Benefits Of Meditation & How You Can Transform Your Life With It, In Just Minutes Per Day!


søndag 1. november 2015

Best Meditation Technique For Beginners

The human life today is full of struggles and stresses. If one decides to slow down, there is a full chance of him being left behind. 

Most of us live a stressful life and are overloaded with work to maintain pace with others. Stress is the gate to all mental and emotional ailments.

Meditation is the best possible way to reduce stress and live a healthy and happy life.

 Meditation traditionally is done with focusing on objects like candle, or your breath. Through meditation, your mind and body relaxes and you experience inner peace. The more you are focused and concentrated, the better results you are going to experience. Meditation helps in developing your concentration levels. Many people amongst us believe meditation is not for us and might not work in our situation. Well, this is completely wrong and the fact is that anyone can easily learn meditation and if you practice it regularly it will help in knowing yourself better. This article discusses some meditation techniques that are very easy to follow and work real well too.

The most basic form of meditation technique is closing your eyes and counting your breaths. All you have to do is to simply breathe in and breathe out and pay attention to the sensation of your breath coming in. You have to feel the air coming in and going out of your nostrils. This will help you concentrate or meditate. When you will follow this breathe in and breathe out for some time, you will notice that your focus on counting your breaths is increasing and your contact with the outside world is reducing. Keep your eyes closed during this process and keep yourself focused.

Another common meditation technique is the use of some mantra. In traditional Hindu culture, the word OM is considered magical for healing powers. The skill lies in not just speaking it but chanting it from the bottom of your heart. It can be any mantra all you have to do is to chant it again and again so that your mind starts focusing on it. When you chant anything repeatedly by sitting in a quiet room and closing your eyes, you will start noticing that your contact with the outside world is reducing.

Meditation is very similar to technology in its development. From the early stage until now, meditation has undergone a lot of changes. Now, with advanced but yet very simple technique, meditation becomes very easy to do. One of this technique is the initiation technique. After getting a Divine Energy initiation, you could get into a deepest meditation state instantly. Getting into deep state of meditation requires months and months of intense training in the past, but this can be achieved almost instantly with Divine Energy initiation.

If you think positive thoughts during meditation, it will have a positive affect on your body as your thoughts have a direct influence on your body. This is called self healing meditation which is involves deep meditation. Through this, positive energy is produced in our body that increases the healing process. This form of meditation is often suggested by hospitals these days.

For meditation, you should be in a calm and quiet place. This will help you to focus in a better way. The mattress you are practicing on should be comfortable too or else you will easily get distracted. 

 Early morning is the best time to meditate as mind is all fresh that time. Drinking a glass or two of water prior to meditating is good. 

One thing to keep in mind is that you should not eat too much before you start meditation. Keep yourself light and mind relaxed.

When your stomach is neither empty nor extra full, you can concentrate better.

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